About Us
"numismatique-or-argent.eu" is a website created and managed by NUMIXPERT SARL.
NUMIXPERT SARL was created in early 2018 by a contemporary numismatic enthusiast.
NUMIXPERT seeks to develop the secondary market for coins, medals or other tokens, especially in precious metals, which have been manufactured in recent decades around the world.
Meaning to allow both investors and collectors to find a very significant number of coins issued during the last decades, but also to resell the coins they would like to divest.
This secondary market has existed in France (and in many countries) for many years for older coins (e.g French royal coins), especially by ancestral numismatic companies, but these companies do not focus enough to very contemporary coins.
Moreover, the market is fragmented between bullion specialists, and numismatic companies. Each of these companies focus on quite separate coin segments, lacking of completeness.
The ambition of NUMIXPERT is to become a reference actor in France, and more generally in Europe, on these contemporary coins, and to allow its customers to buy or sell their coins at the best price.
NUMIXPERT is a passionate coin collector serving other collectors needs.